Hey Old Cityzens!

Oh man! I’m back from my vacation and ready to get after it again. And by ‘get after it again’, I mean start back slooowly so I’m not wrecked after my first few workouts. I had my fill of mom’s cooking – TACO SALAD, Y’ALL, WITH DORITOS ON TOP! – and dining out. It was mostly the latter. And I could’ve been good, but *shrug* vacation. Also, how can you pass up diner food in small town Michigan?? You get your monies, worth that’s for sure!

One thing I noticed in my absence is that it looks like the daily blog posts weren’t posted with all the added commentary. That looks to be due to the launching of the new website as I made sure to have them all set and ready to post while I was gone. I think I figured out the issue, but it might be a temporary fix, and we might be nixing it all together *tear*. If you notice anything wonky with the blog posts, or with the workout postings in Zen Planner – please shoot me an email and we’ll look into it. But I’m sure you enjoyed a break from my daily sarcasm anyways.

On that note, I’m going to shut my yap since I’m late with this post and let you know what’s coming up this week.

Monday – Double strength day – front squats and push press – followed by a quick partner workout.

Tuesday – Going the opposite end off the spectrum from Monday with a long chipper WOD today.

– Back squat EMOM (with box jumps) based on percentages, then a couplet of KB swings and toes to bar.

Thursday – A nice triplet today with one each of a mono structural (cardio), gymnastics, and weight lifting movement.

– Oly work today with hang snatches and overhead squats followed by a CrossFit Open WOD from 2001. Have you jump ropes handy.

– Strength is the 12 min EMOM we did a couple weeks ago – pull ups, planks, RDLS – followed by biking and some DB work to round out the day.

Sunday – Open gym + Gainz Club + Hero WOD + yoga

Let’s have another great week!