Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend. It’s starting to feel like summer!

Master the Basics

With the Memorial Day classic workout “Murph” coming up in just over a month, we’ll be focusing a bit more on ‘the basics’ – push ups, pull ups, air squats. Check out this article about virtuosity. It’s not just about basic or ‘simple’ movements, but doing them well. About doing common movements, uncommonly well. How can you apply virtuosity to your life outside the gym?

New Benchmark Workouts!

As mentioned in the April newsletter, we’ll be setting aside a few of our in-house benchmark workouts, and cycling in some replacements. Be on the lookout for one new one this week, and others in the coming weeks.


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Deadlifts – getting heavy! Little jumpy/thruster EMOM to follow.

Tuesday – “Murph” prep WOD with running, pull ups, push ups, and air squats. Bring your weight vest to try it out if you’re planning on wearing it in May.

Wednesday – Double strength day with a snatch focus with cycling hang power snatches, followed by hip thrusts and L-sit practice

Thursday – Bench press followed by Old City Benchmark WOD #7 – 1,000m row.

Friday – Long workout workout today with KB Swings, biking, and box jumps.

Saturday – Front squats, broad jumps, and double unders.

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! We also have Yoga at 10am and Gainz Club at 11am. Otherwise, try to relax a bit, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!