Hey Old Cityzens!

How can you tell the weather’s getting warmer? There’s a spring in people’s step.

Short post today because everything was in the newsletter..

Speaking of newsletter…

April Newsletter
Did you get it in your email inbox on Friday?? If not, please let us know as it’s our major way of communicating with our members aside from Facebook and Instgram, especially if you aren’t on social media. Check it out HERE. Lots of stuff coming up this month!


Let’s see what’s coming up this week..

Monday – Double strength with back squats, dips, and DB high pulls.

Tuesday – Long workout with wall balls, deadlifts, and toes to bar.

Wednesday – Snatches and burpees.

Thursday – Bench press and core work.

Friday – Old City Benchmark Workout #4 – sumo deadlifts, push press, and box jumps.

Saturday – Pistols, thrusters, and double unders

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! Take care of those shoulders from the week! Relax, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!