OH man it looks and feels like Fall, hope you guys got outside. Should be another fun and diverse week:
Monday – Strength Day. Squats, followed by an EMOM with Strict Press, Barbell Bent Over Row, and a few Box Jumps. Squats will be fun: Front Squat + Back Squat super set! Do 4 Front Squats, rack it, take a deep breathe, then immediately do 8 Back Squats. Make the front squats challenging and then fight through the back squats
Tuesday – Sprint/Power Day. Power Snatches and Burpee Pull-Ups, rest. No 100m running paired this week.
Wednesday – Strength of Bulgarian Split Squat and Weighted Pull-Ups. Hope you guys are getting better at pull-ups and chin-ups. They’re hard to do, so we’ll keep at it! WOD is a medium distance WOD with Rowing, Sit-Ups, Box Step Ups
Thursday – Tough Day… GREAT day. Strength is Pause Floor Press and DB Bent Over Row. Another middle distance WOD (12-18 minutes) of Deadlift, Wall Walk, and Double Unders
Friday – We finish the work week with a grind… we’ll chip away at running, Hang Power Cleans, Shoulder to Overhead, and Front Squats. Total running is 2000m, so please scale if needed.