Hi Guys,

Forgive the late post! We had a very nice Labor Day adventure with a bunch of little ones, but man do tiny babies slow you down.

The week ahead:

Tuesday – Power Snatch for strength (E2MOM). Then a wonderfully simple pairing of Front Squats and Burpees for a shorter WOD.

Wednesday – Hitting Box Handstand Push-Up and Pull-Up for strength/skill (Those seem important based on our goals chalkboard!) And then a EMOM with more upper body strength, dips and Ring Rows, but also a rendezvous with the Assault Bike in minute 3.

Thursday – I don’t know what I call this structure, but we do it most weeks because it’s the best: weightlifting, gymnastics, run. This week the pairing is power cleans, toes to bar, and 200m runs. To push you a bit beyond the variations of week’s past, the numbers are a *tad* bigger and I’ve built in a bit of rest to allow you to push the tempo. For those of you planning your weekly runs, it’s 1400m total.

Friday – Pausing Barbell Floor Press and DB Bent Over Rows for strength, then a medium distance WOD with Double Unders, Air Squats, and DB Snatch

Saturday – Partner WOD!