
I hope you had a lovely weekend. We’re incredibly excited to offer sprinting 101 with coach Turner this coming Sunday, the 29th, with coach Turner. The Fields at RFK at 10 AM. Expect an Old City vibe… we’ll teach you how to approach sprinting and cater the workout intensity to suit you! As this is an off-site event, if you plan to come please sign up, and pay attention to our Facebook group and your email for field updates!

We appreciate every Old Cityzen, and we really want to help you turn over as many stones as possible along your fitness journey. Continue to expect monthly and bi-monthly specialty events and classes!

The week ahead:

Monday – Our weekly dose of gymnastics, weight, and running. Shorter than normal, no barbell. DBalls, Toes to Bar, and 200m running. (1200m total, or, 3/4 of a mile).

Tuesday – Double strength day with no cardio (we swear) and extra arms. Front Squat + Back Squat combo, but less reps (so heavier weight). Then Floor Press, bent over row, and flys.

Wednesday – Core and Handstand EMOM up front, then about 15 minutes of DB Snatch, lunges, and jumps.

Thursday – Romanian Deadlift and KB Pullover as strength, then a 14 minute AMRAP of pull-ups, double Unders, and push-ups. I like this WOD a lot. (I like them all, but some are prettier than others.)

Friday – Second week in a row practicing tall Clean and squat clean. WOD is very short, and very intense. Burpees and Wall Balls and Rest.

Saturday – Partner WOD, expect about 20 minutes and high fives.