
A quick thought on CrossFit, then the week ahead!


Many of you might have seen in the news that a competitive CrossFitter died last week during a CrossFit Games swimming event, creating quite a bit of controversy and social media outrage.

Words from me (Jason) won’t do this man’s life justice. Needless to say his passing is terribly unfortunate, and it makes one think hard about what CrossFit is about. But that’s the catch, and that’s the confusion…

CROSSFIT is about defeating chronic disease and building communities. CrossFit is a methodology to improve fitness. The CROSSFIT GAMES are entertainment. A SPORT. The Games see winning fitness competitions as an END IN ITSELF. CrossFit methodology, on the other hand, uses functional fitness as a MEANS to living a better life.

If you chase victory, in sport or life, you sometimes risk all for a moment of glory. If you chase fitness, you risk little for a LIFETIME of capability.

None of this is to say that the CrossFit Games, a product of CrossFit HQ, shouldn’t be under the microscope. Those who program workouts should never claim ignorance to the risks of intense workouts, and undoubtedly there can always be safer systems.

I’m simply saying CrossFit is not the CrossFit games, and CrossFit gives life. The CrossFit that Old City represents is something to be proud of.


Hopping off my soap box, the week ahead:

Monday – Core Work with Turkish Sit-Ups, then a very simple, medium distance WOD with KB Swings and 200m runs

Tuesday – Tough one, but you need it. A sprint workout with a TON of rest between rounds. Featuring power cleans and a cardio machine that isn’t the rower.

Wednesday – Giving the low body a rest with upper body strength, Dips and DB Rows. Short-ish WOD with Toes to Bar and Lunges. If you like building the glory muscles, today is the day… chest, abs, glutes.

Thursday – Strength will be Bulgarian Split Squats and Pull-Ups, and a moderate WOD with barbell basics: deadlifts and push-press.

Friday – We start with handstand work, but the WOD today will give Tuesday a run for it’s money as toughest WOD this week. A bit longer with wall balls, burpees, and pull-ups. Come get it!

Saturday – Partner WOD!

Sunday – Powerlifting Total! (90 minutes to build to 1 RM Squat, 1 RM Bench, 1 RM Deadlift)