
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer.

New handstand progression this week — back to heavy squats and bench after a week off — the week ahead:

Monday – Heavy Bench paired with a new, but always similar, variation of DB Bent Over Row. A short, easier WOD with KB Swings and core.

Tuesday – Once a week have a 20-30 minute WOD that pairs small numbers of heavy explosive lifting with running… this week we’ve got Power Snatches and 100m. Hopefully you’re feeling the improvement!

Wednesday – We’ll work on both chest to Wall and back to Wall Handstand holds, but this time we’ll try to “switch” our feet in the air to make this harder. Handstand is paired with strict pull-up work (a goal of many!!). Then we hit a “middle distance” WOD with heavy squats, push-ups, and DUeys.

Thursday – Our new interpretation of “double strength” day. Power Clean and Overhead EMOM, followed by a “strength meets cardio” EMOM with a new movement that is REALLY potent for those with back pain – the suitcase deadlift. Less intense day, but still challenging and requiring skill.

Friday – Heavy Squats will take up most of our class, so we’ll match it with a brief but very intense WOD.

Saturday – Partner WOD!

Please send us a note and let us know how we can help you take your fitness to the next level! All of our love…