Friends, Team,
We hope everyone has been enjoying the lovely weather and the equally lovely workouts. The week ahead:
Monday – Cindy + Rowing. Lots of volume on pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats. At our last coaches meeting, the coaches said “Murph is coming up, lets start practicing!” I said, I dunno, blah blah blah, and they said “we don’t care, program MORE REPS.” So here you go.
Tuesday – Play on double strength day. We repeat barbell Sumo RDL from last week, and then we have an E2MOM of 9 rounds. The first three rounds are strict press, next three are push press, final 3 are split Jerk. Ideally you add weight as you progress through the rounds. This reminds me of how I was first taught the push press… “do a bunch of strict presses, then when your arms gettired… cheat!”
Wednesday – Weighted calisthenics up front… dips and pull-ups (see I told you we already practice for Murph every week!) Then a middle distance WOD with smaller numbers (alternate movements quickly, IE, agility). Hang Power snatch, overhead barbell lunges, box jump.
Thursday – Core EMOM up front, and then another middle distance WOD (16-18 minutes?) of 400m run and barbell back squat. Don’t see barbell back squat in WODs too often, so this is a treat. Total running is 2000m.
Friday – Bench press DROP SET for strength. Then a sprint/rest/sprint WOD with burpees and power cleans at 155/105. Heavy, but not as heavy as they’ve been. This one is brief, but will push your heart rate and technique!
Saturday – Partner WOD
See everyone at the box!