Team, Friends,

Amazing work by so many over the last few weeks… the Open pushed us, and our community rallied around the challenge. Thanks for making this all so much fun.

The week ahead:

Monday – Double Strength day with Sumo RDL, Bulgarian Split Squat, Weighted Dips and Yates Row. Clearly we like little tweaks on the classics. Challenge your corners and margins just bit.

Tuesday – Longer WOD with running, handstand push-ups, burpees, and pull-ups. Total running is 2000m. (goes without saying, scale to your needs…)

Wednesday – A spin on double strength day. Back Squat and keep your hips squeaky clean prehab up front. Then a newer Girl WOD, “Gwen.” 15-12-9 *unbroken* Clean and Jerk. Rest as needed. CrossFit Weightlifting and Weightlifting are different in a few ways. If you want to snatch or clean and jerk 1-2 reps, you do it a bit differently than 15 in a row (as in the CrossFit Open.)

Thursday – A core EMOM to start, then a longer WOD with bigger numbers of box jumps, push-ups, and ring rows.

Friday – I think I’ll break Juell’s heart if we don’t program more Thrusters. A bit of gymnastics skill work up front, then a sprinter WOD with Thrusters and Double Unders.

Saturday – Bench Press and Partner WOD. Total black swan that Bench has fallen 3 Saturdays in a row. Don’t get used to it!