
It’s looking like it’s going to be a beautiful week. Friday marks the final CrossFit Open WOD. Remember, we’ll wait until Thursday’s announcement to plan our Saturday Partner WOD.

No double strength this week. The harder WODs, in my estimation, are on Tuesday/Wednesday. And I’ve included movements I think will show up in Friday’s open on Monday/Tuesday. The week ahead:

Monday – Simple but effective start to our week… Back Squat Strength and a short to middle distance WOD with Toes to Bar, Push-Ups, and DB Reverse Lunges.

Tuesday – Handstand Hold and Weighted Chin-Up for skill/strength, then a longer, cardio forward WOD with running and Burpee box jump and structured rest (so you can sprint!). Total running is 2400m.

Wednesday – “D.T.” – lots of volume on Deadlift, Hang Power Clean, and Shoulder to Overhead. Traditionally D.T. uses push jerk to get the bar overhead, but perhaps you’ll use the split Jerk we’ve been practicing to go heavier…

Thursday – Ring Push-Up Strength, then a middle distance WOD with strict pull-ups and front squats.

Friday – Open 25.3

Saturday – Partner WOD

See everyone at the gym!!