
The coaches at Old City hope everyone had a restful and coooool Independence Day and Weekend. Glad we got that hero WOD out of the way. Also, our A/C is back at full function after a brief thermostat malfunction!

Speaking of it being hot, a quick note about running: the most commonly programmed CrossFit workout on (headquarters!) is “Run a 5k.” We do that to you, but please realize running is a huge part of CrossFit and the unequaled fitness it develops.

And so we’re not going to ditch the running from our WODs just because it’s hot. But remember you always have a choice: show up and choose an indoor cardio equivalent if you feel that running in this heat isn’t what you need. You can even have RX if you skip the run! (That olive branch doesn’t apply after Labor Day, hah!)

The week ahead:

Monday – Heavy Squats and a slightly different take on “double strength” day. IE, minimal cardio.

Tuesday – We’ll start with a bit of mobility for the front rack, then a longer WOD with lower reps. Power Cleans, Pull-Ups, 200m running

Wednesday – Heavy Bench and a slightly different variation of bent over rows. Then a shorter WOD with animal walks and KB Swings.

Thursday – Starting with Handstands and a bit of core, then an easier, but middle distance workout with rowing and sit-ups.

Friday – Heavy Deadlifts and a short sprint/long rest workout.

Saturday – Loving these Partner WODs.

See everyone soon!