I hope you all are doing well! I made a mistake last week and mentioned 1 RM Snatch would show up this week. I was wrong, and it will show up next week. For what it’s worth, this mistake stems from my constant tinkering in an effort to create some of the best CrossFit programming you can find.
The week ahead:
Monday – Strength work starts with a new skill, the Split Jerk balance. Then we have an EMOM with Split Jerks. Our WOD is a SPRINT, and was featured on 11/21. 7 minutes of lighter-weight deadlifts and burpees. Check your score and try to beat it!
Tuesday – Double Strength Day. Somewhat similar to last week, this is an entirely skill/calisthenics based workout. We build on our pistols (hopefully you’re improving your tempo and range of motion!) and handstands. Then, we focus on deficit push-ups and Weighted pull-ups. If the deficit push-ups are easy for you, have a partner place a plate on your upper back.
Wednesday – Our throwback CrossFit Open workout of the week. Today we have CrossFit Open 20.2. 20 minutes of DB Thrusters, Toes to Bar, and Double Unders. Afterwards we’ve got prescribed mobility, same as this past week (you see the constant theme? Repeat then improve)
Thursday – Another longer WOD, I’m thinking it will approach 30 Minutes. A descending rep scheme of moderate weight Hang Power Cleans and 200m running. Total running is farther than usual, 2000m total. But please please remember that this number can be changed to suit your needs.
Friday – In an effort to get your t-shirt looking too tight, we’ve got the classic benchmark workout Lynne. 5 Rounds of max effort Bench Press and Pull-ups. Tons of rest. After that, we have 4 sets of barbell curls and skull crushers.
Saturday – Partner WOD. Front Squat strength up front, then a partner WOD that features a KB Complex of (more) squats, a few lunges, and a bit of overhead.
Send me a note, let me know how we’re doing! All my love,