I hope everyone enjoyed the slightly different take on programming last week. This week features many of the same areas of focus, but includes a hero WOD on Independence Day.
**Holiday Week Reminder: We do not have a 630 PM on Wednesday, nor a 5 AM on Friday. Thursday’s classes are at 10 and 11 am**
Monday: Heavy Squats then a shorter WOD intended as a sprint through an explosive couplet.
Tuesday: Longer WOD for those in love with the grind. Rowing, Lunges, and some core for summer abs.
Wednesday: Bench Press then a medium duration WOD featuring only one movement. (It rhymes with rubble blunder.)
Thursday: Hero WOD. Long and grueling. Remember to smile during burpees… I swear it helps.
Friday: Deadlift strength with some handstand practice built in. Shorter WOD that pushes your upper body.
Saturday: A touch of core work to start, then a longer partner WOD that should get the heart rate up. You go then your partner goes. We love sprint/rest/sprint to push the intensity.