Old City Family, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year,
Another short-ish week, be sure to check our Facebook group and our in-gym whiteboard for holiday hours. In summary, only morning and noon on Tuesday, closed on Wednesday. The week ahead:
Monday – RDLs and Ring Dips for strength. An odd pairing, not so elegant, but both things we’ve been working on. Then an EMOM WOD with KB Front Squats, Ring Rows, and Burpee Box Jumps. Two minutes of rest, so a bit different.
Tuesday – Longer WOD with rowing, Clean and Jerk, and Alternating V-Ups.
Wednesday – Closed. Happy New Year.
Thursday – Bench Press Strength and Barbell Pendlay Rows. Bench is 5 sets of 3, so a bit more intense and a bit less volume than weeks past. Since the bulk of our class will be spent on heavy bench press, the WOD is a very short 7 minute burst of KB Swings, push-ups, and front squats.
Friday – Core Strength with two NEW movements, both targeting the obliques/outer hips. Then a longer WOD with KB Cleans, KB Lunges, Strict Chin-Ups, and running. Total running is 1800m, so barely over a mile. Remember, if it’s cold or you don’t like running, feel free to adjust to your needs. Our coaches would love an opportunity to help you approach running (or any movement) in a manner that suites your needs.
Saturday – Strict Press accompanied by shoulder prehab up front, then a partner WOD with Sumo DL High Pull, Burpee, Wall Ball.
See everyone soon!