
Be sure to check out whiteboard at the gym for holiday hours. And, in our brief week next week, expect a few challenging holiday WODs. This week we’ve got some awesome work:

Monday – Upper body strength with Ring Dips and DB Bent Over Row. Then a 12 Minute EMOM for the WOD, featuring high rep barbell shoulder to over head, sit-ups, and a kiss of the Assault Bike.

Tuesday – Snatch skill work combined with weighted chin-ups up front, then a short-medium distance WOD with squat snatches and wall Balls. Similar to last week, the squat snatches are paired with a moderate cardio movement to force you all to focus on technique as you fatigue. And, why Chin-Ups again? We firmly believe you should pull as much as you push for sound shoulder health, and with all of the overhead pushing we do, it would be negligent to let you neglect your pull/chin-ups.

Wednesday – Longer cardio-leaning WOD. Box Jumps, Burpees, Toes to Bar

Thursday – Core/Rotational strength up front, then a middle distance sprint with handstand push-up, deadlift, and 100m run. (1k run total.)

Friday – Double Strength day. Back Squat Strength first. We did 10s two weeks ago, 15s last week, and this week… 1 set of 20. The 20 rep squat is a tradition on par with Christmas in some circles. After that, we continue working on the Incline Bench Press and Barbell Pendlay Row

Saturday – Hodge Podge Parter WOD!