Friends, Team, the week ahead:

Monday – Chin-Up Strength and a throwback to the 2014 Open! For Weighted Chin-Ups, we’re reducing reps from 5 to 2s and 1s in an effort to push that strength. This is also an opportunity for those of you who have been doing strict bodyweight to ATTEMPT weight, but also for those of you doing band and negatives to attempt strict bodyweight.

The WOD is a short-medium distance AMRAP of Double Unders and very light Power Snatches (75/55). As I think through WHY CrossFit would program such light weight, I think this is the weight they used prior to them realizing Dumbbells had been invented.

Tuesday – Strength day. A1 is a continuation of our Squat Clean progression, then we’ve got DB Bench Press and KB Pendlay Row. (No built in cardio this week, just strength)

Wednesday – Our Skill/Strength is rotation based… including half Kneeling medicine ball throws. These aren’t common in CrossFit gyms, but they’re fun, cathartic, and rotation is really important for your health.

Medium distance cardio based WOD with running and Burpees and built in rest. Total running is a bit greater than normal: 2400m (1.5 miles whoah)

Thursday – Barbell RDLs for strength, and we’ll plan to rotate our deadlifts to a new variety soon. WOD is sprint/rest/sprint with rowing and KB Squats and Lunges

Friday – Core strength EMOM, then a skill heavy WOD with Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Toes to Bar, and HSPU! (Hoping all the HSPU strength will help here)

Saturday – Partner WOD