Looks like a decent snow storm coming through, so we’ve decided to cancel regular classes on Monday. For those that need to get their blood flowing, we’ll have OPEN GYM from 10-12.
Monday WAS pistol practice and a moderate time/difficulty WOD with pistols and dips. Given that Monday is cancelled, stay tuned for edits of this page as I take a look at the new week that is without Monday. I always want each week to be comprehensive and smart.
Tuesday – Light Snatch mobility and skill work followed by application with a Snatch EMOM for strength. Then a short WOD with wall balls and double unders.
Wednesday – Double Strength day with barbell RDLS, Arnold Press, Bench Press, and DB Top Down Row
Thursday – My favorite structure (something we see every 2-3 weeks) Lift/Gymnastics/Run – Power Cleans (165/115!!), Burpee Pull-Ups, 100m Run. 1200m running total, so not even a mile. After the WOD we’ve got structured mobility.
Friday – Back Squat strength and then a medium distance WOD with rowing, shoulder to Overhead, and sit-ups
Saturday – Partner WOD (if anything changes as I look through the week and try to make up for Monday, it will be this day.)
All my love,
Coach Jason