
Damn, just when we were getting our running groove going there might be more snow! Lucky for us the temps are “higher” than last time, and our running this week is Friday. All the same, remember you’ve got options if you think it’s slick outside. You ALWAYS have options, just ask our coaches!

We continue with past years open workouts, including 19.1 on Tuesday. Snatch work continues, and expect a 1 RM next Monday. The week ahead:

Monday – Snatch skill work up front, then a E2MOM that culminates in a few heavy singles. Make sure you challenge yourself, BUT TRY NOT TO MISS. Perfect practice = perfect, right? WOD is an EMOM that features deficit push-ups, ring rows, and Doo-EEs.

Tuesday – Skill/Strength up front where we work on Max Effort Hang and L-Sit. These kind of suck. Get better at them and your fitness won’t suck. Open WOD is 19.1… 15 minutes of Wall Balls and Rows Cals. Cardio, but middle distance.

Wednesday – Double Strength Day. Heavy Deadlifts, Landmine rotations, DB Incline Bench and DB Bent Over Row. I think our strength work recently tends to lean towards the upper body, since our WODs tend to lean towards the “lower body.” Although in the CrossFit/Functional fitness sense, most “lower body” exercises are truly whole body.

Thursday – Skill/Strength of Pistols and Weighted Chin Ups. The last few weeks we have done pistol negatives, which continue to be THE BEST choice if you can’t get super low. The WOD does not feature pistols, a break from the past few weeks. Our WOD is a repeat of 11/18… a short, descending rep scheme of Wall walks and Chest to Bar Pull-Ups. So all in all this is your gymnastics day.

Friday – Heavy Power Cleans and 200m running, followed by a brief rest then a SPRINT through 30 Burpee Box jumps. Love it love it love it. If Thursday is gymnastics day, this is explosive day. Power day. The WOD is probably 15 minutes, so we’re making time afterwards for guided mobility. For those of you wanting to know the total distance of the run, it’s 1200m total, so plan your marathon training accordingly.

Saturday – Squats up front, and then Partner WOD.

All my love, send me an email or text and let me know how we’re doing.

Coach Jason