Still find yourself frustrated with the kettlebell? Wondering why your back hurts, your hands are torn, and your forearms are bruised? Then this class is for YOU!

6_18_14 WOD
The purpose of the Old City kettlebell seminar is to help you become more proficient in basic kettlebell movements – Russian swing, clean, press, snatch. This class will teach you to swing with good form that helps your back vs hurting it, that won’t rip up your hands, and will be a little nicer to your forearms.

This seminar will be held on November 14th, from 12 – 1:30 pm. It’s 100% free for Old Cityzens. Click Here to sign up!

The focus of the hour and a half seminar will be on breaking down the swing by mastering the hip hinge through a number of drills that builds upon the previous one. You will learn how to generate maximum power from your HIPS, and how this carries over to different movements such as the clean and snatch.

The FREE class will be limited to 10 members (click to sign up!), but we’ll put everyone else on a wait list in case spots open up, or maybe even to run a second seminar. There will be a limit on the number of reps – 10 or less for all swings, cleans, and snatches – as we want you to strive for perfect form. This is NOT a workout! (There might be time for that afterwards.) The goal is for you to stay as fresh as possible to maintain good form and will give you plenty of rest between sets.

Afterwards, you’ll be able to go into the next workout with kettlebells with the confidence that you can finish the workout having used safe form and good technique. You might surprise yourself by being able to do more swings in a row than before, or using a heavier weight.

So sign up and let’s have some fun!!

This kettlebell seminar will be taught by the one and only Jen Jacobs. Here’s Jen’s experience, in her own words:

“About me – one of my first pieces of exercise equipment was a 15# kettlebell. I remember picking it up and thinking how HEAVY it felt. I immediately followed along to the DVD that was included with it, and within a week and shooting pain in my elbow. What was I doing wrong?? First off, I didn’t take the time to learn the movements in the video. So I took some time off to let my elbow heal, and read up on kettlebell technique from Jeff Martone, Steve Cotter, and Mike Mahler. I slowly eased back into it, forcing myself to master the basic swing before trying cleans again and – poof! – no more elbow pain! I pushed on with other movements and stayed pain free. Since then the kettlebell collection has grown significantly, rivaling the shoe collection of Imelda Marcos.

With that said, the kettlebell is my go-to piece of equipment for a quick and challenging workout. And I’m always trying to perfect my form with each swing, clean, press, or snatch.

IKFF CKT Level 1
CrossFit Kettlebell Certified
Completed 1,000 35# Russian KB swings in 31:04″

This seminar is only available to Old City Members, and is 100% free. So go ahead and sign up!

If you’re not a member, but interested in this kettlebell course, email [email protected] and let us know!