STRENGTH Deadlift 10-8-5-5 WOD RFT 4 Rounds Row 250m 10 DB Burpee DL (2x50/2x35) Rest 90s
STRENGTH Deadlift 10-8-5-5 WOD RFT 4 Rounds Row 250m 10 DB Burpee DL (2x50/2x35) Rest 90s
Strength Every 2 Minutes for 7 Rounds: 3 Power Snatch Rest Remainder of 2 Minutes WOD 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Front Squat (135/95) Lateral Burpee Over Bar *14 [...]
September Beach Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x10 Back to Wall DB Hammer Curl 2 - 1x10 DB Skull Crusher 3 - 1x10 Band Face [...]
Core Strength EMOM 9 1 - 1x8 Turkish Sit-Up 2 - 1x8 Turkish Sit-Up 3 - 1x15 Superman Hamstring Curl WOD AMRAP 19 10 Wall [...]
Strength A1 - Weighted Dip 4x5 @ Weight 4x5+ @ Strict Bodyweight 4x8+ @ Band 4x5 @ 5s Negatives A2 - DB Incline Seal Row [...]
Strength Every 2 Minuntes for 7 Rounds: 3 Power Cleans Rest Remainder of 2 minutes *Start with a moderate challenge, but can add weight as [...]
WOD 24 Minute AMRAP 3 Rounds of Cindy* Row 500/400m *Cindy = 5 Pull-Ups 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats Mobility A1 Couch Stretch 2x90s/side (foot [...]
Skill/Strength A1 Box Handstand Push-Up 4x5+ @ Highest Box Possible *Record box height and reps *Get more than 5? Increase box height and slow tempo [...]
Strength A1 Barbell Glute Bridge (~60-80% DL) 3x12 *2s Pause at top *Use Hip Circle A2 Hanging L-Sit 3xAccumulate 30s *Scale to Hanging Tuck Partner [...]
Strength Skill Work A1 - Handstand Feet Switches 4x30s or more - slow switches 2x Chest to Wall 2x Back to Wall A2 - Seated [...]