The week ahead.. February 20th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. The Monday holiday might give some people an extra day off, so take advantage of the 3-day weekend. CrossFit Open Congrats to everyone that tackled [...]
The week ahead.. February 13th
Hey Old Cityzens! Did you watch the Super Bowl? The halftime show? The Puppy Bowl? No matter what you did this weekend, I hope it was a great one. CrossFit Open It starts this [...]
The week ahead.. February 6th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. The groundhog saw his shadow last Thursday, which means we can expect below average temperatures for the next 6 weeks. I felt it on Saturday [...]
The week ahead.. January 30th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. I spent the a scant 28 hours in Wisconsin for a wedding, and I've had my fill of snow for the year. It was also [...]
The week ahead.. January 23rd
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend. The cooler temps didn't keep me away from the trails, and I was able to get in about an 8 mile run on Saturday. Maybe [...]
The week ahead.. January 16th
Hey Old Cityzens! I hope everyone had great weekend! Monday Class Schedule Monday, January 16th, is a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, but we are keeping our normal gym [...]
Partner WOD Divide However 80 Double Unders 40 Wall Balls (20/14) 30 Box Jumps (24"/20") 20 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 20 Burpee Pull-Ups 20 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 30 Box Jumps 40 Wall Balls 80 [...]
MOBILITY A1 - Seated Plate Front Raise 2x10 @ 10# or 15# A2 - Foam Roll Upper Back 2x45s WOD AMRAP 16 12 AbMAt Sit-Up 6 Deadlift (185/105) 3 Handstand Push-Up Minute 0,4,8,12 Row [...]
STRENGTH A1 Back Squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 A2 Box Jump from Sitting* 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 *Done IMMEDIATELY after squat set. Sit on bench, jump on box focusing on explosion STRENGTH B1 - DB Supinating BOR 4x12/Arm B2 - Powell [...]
WOD 3 Rounds for Time Run 800m 4 Push Press (115/75) 4 Burpee Over Bar 4 Push Press 4 Burpee Over Bar Rest 90s MOBILITY B1 - Banded Couch Stretch 2x60s/side B2 - Pancake Straddle [...]
STRENGTH A1 - Tall Snatch 4x2-3* *Empty Bar or Minimal Weight B1 E2MOM x 7 2x Power Snatch + OH WOD 30-20-10 Box Step Up (1x50/1x35)(24"/20") Ring Rows
EMOM Core Work EMOM 9 1 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 2 - 1x12 Straight Arm Side Plank Pulse 3 - 1x12 Anchored Leg Raise WOD "Lynne" 5 Rounds of 4 Minutes 1 [...]
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