Week One of the Open is gone in a whirlwind, and we’re on to the second challenge this Friday. If you haven’t already, I think our Facebook/Instagram had a few snippets of Friday Night’s Open Lights. The week one turnout was amazing.
I was there Friday, but I myself chose to do 25.1 on Saturday morning… sometimes by Friday night I’m only ready for bed! Even if you find yourself in the same boat, you should still come check it out. Put on your jeans and bring the family to watch. It’s a beautiful sight to see 30 people doing CrossFit at once. The smiles could be felt and the high-fives popped. DJ Turner brought his best and freshest.
In terms of our general programming during the Open, I’m trying not to change anything. The Open is amazing, but so is our program. The Open is really a small part of what we do. My only concession is what I consider a more gentle day on Thursday.
If you want to feel MORE fresh for the open, consider coming on Thursday and using open gym to move lightly. Or, do the class and keep the bar empty and the heart rate down. (Or take the night off? You won’t hear me say that much!)
The Week Ahead:
Monday – (EDIT: changed this WOD last minute) Sprint/Rest/Sprint with heavy power clean, side shuffles, and wall balls
Tuesday – After a ton of lower body on Monday, lots of upper body calisthenics. As our main upper body movement… we had been working on dips, then bench, and now we try the ring push-up. You can obviously scale to the strict push-up, but first try a band around your chest! After that, an EMOM with Wall Walks, Ring Rows, and the assault bike.
Wednesday – Double Strength Day – Back Squat paired with Bent Over Row, the Strict Box Step Ups, and a new (to us) variation on Pull-Up. Mostly pulling because we have to balance the pushing on all the rest of the days.
Thursday – Jerk progression as strength, then shorter sprint WOD with KB Swings and 100m sprints. 1000m total for our volume conscious friends.
Friday – Open 25.2
Saturday – Partner WOD. I’m going to wait until Thursday evening to program this. It only makes sense to see what you all are doing on Friday, so that Saturday *makes sense.*