
Let’s hit the new year running. Although not too literally… you can thank the snow. The week ahead:

Monday – After talking about it for a bit, we’ve finally got pistols to start the week. Up front is pistol skill work (negatives) paired with a core movement we’ve been working on, the side plank leg lift. The WOD is a bit longer with moderate-heavy deadlifts, knees to elbow, and pistols (measured practice followed by application… a big theme of ours.)

Tuesday – Double Strength Day. All upper body. Strict Press, Pendlay Row, Strict Chin-Up, Bench Dips. Bring your oversized shirts.

Wednesday – I took my absolute all time favorite WOD and changed it. I give you the “Different Chief”… 1 rep heavy power clean, 3 double push-up Burpee, 9 squats. (5 rounds + rest)

Thursday – Chest to Wall Handstand Hold and Core up front, followed by a middle distance WOD of box jumps, push press, pull-ups (with a built in muscle up option)

Friday – Front Squat paired with mid back mobility for strength, then a sprint/rest with Kettlebell Swings and SHUTTLE RUNS. Obviously I was joking about the snow, you gotta run a bit or this fitness thing doesn’t work quite as well.

Saturday – Partner WOD. And Bench Press strength for the “I want intimidating arms” crowd.