Friends and Athletes, the week ahead:

Note that this week is a great chance to test your progression… we’re repeating THREE workouts from August. I hope to include plenty of opportunities to chart your gains!

Monday – We did a few true strength days the last two weeks, today we return to the Strengthy EMOM. Handstand Push-Up and Weighted Pull-Up to start, and our handstand progression is moving to the wall. If you find you’re not quite ready for the wall, please gets lots of reps on the box or from the down dog. After that an EMOM with KB Front Squats, KB Pendlay Rows, and Burpee Box Jumps.

Tuesday – Repeat of 8/9. 20 Minute AMRAP of Deadlifts, Toes to Bar, and Running. It’s 400m laps, and I think you should get 4 or 5 rounds in 20 minutes, so I’m thinking 1 to 1.25 miles of total running. We’ve also got programmed shoulder stretching.

Wednesday – Core Strength EMOM to start, then a longer WOD that’s predominately cardio. Rowing, Double Unders, Lunges.

Thursday – After a break last week, we’re returning to Squat Clean Work. We’ll practice aggressive descent under the bar with the Tall Clean, then a Squat Clean EMOM. Short Sprint/Rest WOD That’s a repeat of 8/29.

Friday – More upper body strength, Dips and Incline Seal Row. Then an upper body dominant WOD that’s a repeat of 8/6. Push Press, Pull-Ups, Sit-Ups

Saturday – Arms and Longer Partner WOD.