Friends, we’ve got another awesome week ahead. And thanks to all those that came to our Sunday Handstand Push-Up seminar, hopefully you can apply what you learned Tuesday!

Monday – Core Strength EMOM up front, then a sprint/rest/sprint with Wall Balls and Shuttle Runs. Cardio heavy, but a ton of rest.

Tuesday – Gymnastics strength work with Box Handstand Push-Up (we’ll do the wall soon!) and Weighted Pull-Ups. Sub-10 Minute WOD with KB Swings and double Unders.

Wednesday – Double Strength-y day. We’re learning a new weightlifting drill, the tall clean*! Then Squat Cleans. Then an EMOM with Reverse Lunges, Strict Ring Rows, and Burpee DB Deadlift… The idea of the Tall Clean drill is that we’re pulling under the bar with NO upwards leg drive. We’ll work on the Tall Clean with next to no weight for 10 minute or so, then hope to apply lessons learned to the Squat Clean.

Thursday – CrossFit Open Workout 12.3. You read right, that’s 2012. The classics age well: 18 Minutes on the clock to work box jumps, push press, and toes to bar.

Friday – Working our Front Squat and Back Squat combo again, followed by a shorter Chief-style work/rest with Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Push-Ups, and Burpees.

Saturday – Partner WOD.