
Hope you’ve dusted off your flannel, fantasy football apps, and pumpkin spiced everything… Labor Day is coming up! Speaking of next Monday, look for normal classes to be cancelled next Monday and replaced by 2 slots of mid-morning Hero WOD.

Back to the now, I’ve heard from a few people that they’d like more particulars in the blog, particularly with running volume. I won’t give away the whole recipe, but I can oblige a few more details!

First, big picture, here are a few broad ideas we’re working on consistently as we move forward: handstand hold and handstand push-up progression, more calisthenics as strength (dips, pull/chin ups), incorporating more single leg work (lunges/step ups/split squats), pulling as much if not more than we push (think all the ring Rows and bent over rows), a wider variety of angles of pressing (Wall Walk, dip, etc), mobility before the tricky movements that require it (front rack, overhead, etc.), and lots of core work for your health and injury prevention…

The week ahead:

Monday – Continuing with our handstand progression, we’ve got Box Handstand Push-Ups and Strict Chin-Ups for strength. WOD might take 9-14 minutes with KB Overhead press, box step ups, and double Unders.

Tuesday – A tough one, a slightly shorter version of a Murph prep WOD we did in May. We’ll work through a 24 minute AMRAP of Cindy, stopping to row every few rounds. 2k-3k on the rower total. Cardio is important, I swear.

Wednesday – A Power Clean EMOM for strength is today’s main dish, followed by a short-ish WOD with a barbell complex of front squat, lunge, and overhead. And a few burpees.

Thursday – Dips and Seal Rows for strength. The WOD is a shorter sprint of DB Snatch and Box Jumps with rest built in.

Friday – Core Work EMOM to start, with Turkish Sit Ups and Back Extensions. After that we’ve got a medium-long EMOM with Wall balls, toes to bar, and 100m running. I figure most will get 8-13 rounds, so about 1 KM of running total.

Saturday – Partner WOD with Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Side Shuffles, Sit-ups, and a short relay run (400m total per partner.)

See everyone soon!