Hey Old Cityzens!

I hope everyone had great weekend. Thanks to everyone that made it out to David’s going away bash at WuderGarten Saturday night. A great send off for a great coach. Best of luck in everything you going forward.

Sunday Schedule

NO Yoga again this Sunday.

Gainz club will run from 11am-12:30pm


Let’s see what’s coming up THIS week..


Monday – Squat day – week 6 of the program, where we’ll do sets of 5/3/1+ reps.

Tuesday – DB snatch, box jump, double under triplet that you’ll do 3x.

Wednesday – Burpee pull up an KB swing couplet.

Thursday – Another couplet, but this one with barbell shoulder to overhead and V-ups.

Friday – Tempo overhead squats and benchmark girl WOD “Karen”.

Saturday – Partner WOD is on tap again with Dballs, bear hug carry, and rowing.

Sunday – Rest Day! Phew! We also have a change to this weekend with Gainz Club at 11am, and no yoga. Otherwise, try to relax a bit, and we’ll see you back in the gym tomorrow!

Let’s have another great week!