Strength 1

Back Squat or Front Squat:
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3+

*Percentages are based off of a 5-10 lb increase from original calculations

Strength 2
Weighted Pull up Work
5×5 Pull ups

*Increase weight each set. Scale to banded pull up work, reduce bands to work up to the most difficult set of 5 possible.

Weighted Scapular Pull-ups
Same weight for all working sets (AHAP)

Accessory Work
3 Rounds For Quality:
5 Shoulder A-T-Y-T
*Can also be done with light change plates in each hand while leaning forward (50% of Good Morning)
Farmer Carry 200m (Pick a light‐ish weight that can be carried unbroken in all three rounds)