6 rounds of
3 min AMRAP
60 Double unders
50 Air squats
40 KB Swings (53/35)
30 Sit ups
20 Dball over shoulders (100/60)
*1 min rest
*Pick up where you left off at the end of each round.
*Score is total rounds/reps after all 6 rounds.
**Do as much as possible in 3 minutes. If you get through 30 swings, pick up and finish the remaining 10 swings and continue through the movements after the designated 1 min of rest. Say you get through 15 dballs in the next (2nd) 3 min block, rest the 1 min, then finish the remaining 5 reps before starting back at the top with the double unders. Continue this work/rest cycle through the five movements until you’ve completed all 6 rounds of 3 minute iterations, or 18 total minutes of work.