Strength 1
Power snatch + overhead squat
Heavy 2
Strength 2
4 x ME (max effort) – unweighted
4 x 5 – weighted^
^It’s fine if you want to try to add weight each round
Super set
Yates Row
4 x 10#
#Stay at the same weight each round
**Knocking out the double strength work after yesterday’s thrusters.. phew! Hopefully you’re ready to go overhead again. Ohhh.. but the beauty of today is slowing things down to work on technique. Going heavy is awesome, but man, when everything clicks from the ground to overhead? What a great feeling! And seeing improvement on your overhead squat mobility and squat depth?? *bites lower lip* I mean.. *starts fanning self*
Okay, so maybe a power snatch and overhead squat aren’t as glamorous as a heavy back squat or grinding out a deadlift, but when something you’ve been working on for months finally comes together for a moment.. it’s a pretty damn good feeling.
Follow it up with some strict/weighted dip work – holds at the top of the dip and toe assisted dips are some options – as well as barbell rows with a reverse grip.