Strength 1
3-Position Power snatch + overhead squat
EMOM x 12
*Add weight rounds 5 and 8.


Glute bridge/hip thrust
4 x 10 AHAP

Super set
Barbell roll outs
4 x 10

*The snatch work today is similar to the 3-position clean work last week. Today we’re again working from above the knees, below the knees, and from the ground performing a power snatch from each position. After each snatch you’ll do an overhead squat. The EMOM (every minute on the minute) is completed as a high-hang power snatch + overhead squat; low-hang power snatch + overhead squat; power snatch from the ground + overhead squat. You’ll rest however much time is left in the minute.

As noted in the video linked above, we’re working on bar path proficiency and speed from the power position with consistent pulling mechanics and receiving position. Start light and make sure you’re keeping the bar close, and making contact with the body as the bar moves vertically v swinging away from you. We want to make sure you’re pulling under the bar and not doing a ‘limbo’ by way of leaning to the side to get the bar overhead. This compensation can be due to poor shoulder mobility and poor mechanics. Be sure to iron on any ‘kinks’ in the movement before adding weight.