3 x 5
Tempo 311×1

10 min AMRAP
8 Burpees
10 Deadlift (135/95)
12 Lateral hops over the bar/total

**MOAR tempo werk!!!

Similar ideas to yesterday’s back squats – submaximal weight to control the movement and gain strength through time under tension. The rep scheme will be – starting with the 3rd number listed – 1 second to lift the bar off the ground, 1 second pause at the top, 3 second negative/descent, 1 second pause at the bottom. You’ll take a few sets to build up to a working weight, and stay there for all 3 sets, all 15 reps.

Mirroring yesterday’s workout again, today’s WOD is going to be short and fast. This time, the time domain is set, and it is up to you to complete as many rounds/reps in that time. All reps count, and there’s a total of 30 per round. Can anyone get 6 or 7 rounds?? Gotta be MOOVIN’!!!