Skill Work
Toes to bar
EMOM x 12
1. Hip hurdles
2. Arch to hollow swings and banded hollow lat pull downs – alternating each round
3. Toes to bar progressions
** So many options! 30 sec active/hollow hold hang, or lat pull ups/kipping lever, finally kipping knee raises, toes to a target (chest high), and full toes to bar.

12 min AMRAP
12 Weighted sit ups
12 Push ups on plate
12 Ground to overhead
Rx – 45/25 Plate

*Hands feeling okay after Monday’s pull ups? If they’re still tender, today is a good day to get some practice on the ground, or do some positional work with the toes to bar, such as working on a ‘target reach swing’.

The workout puts the dumbbells and barbells aside in favor of a single plate that you will use for all 3 movements. You’ll start on the ground and work your way up, finishing with the plate overhead. The same weight will be used for all 3 movements.