Skill Work
Handstand push ups
EMOM x 12
1. Hollow Hold or (hollow hold progressions)
2. Inversion hold – against the wall, feet on a box (add in shoulder taps), or free standing holds/progressions.
3. Handstand push ups – strict or kipping, HSPU off a box, downward dog position, or seated press.
For max reps
Tabata Russian KB Swings (53/35)
Tabata Sit ups
**A break from pressing/going overhead, and we’re back at it again. Handstand push ups are on the docket for today. Still feeling a little fatigued from Tuesday’s wall walks? Cool! Then all the more reason to really focus on position work today over strength and pressing. I know working on holds at the top of a dip were a little surprising for people yesterday, so why not try that today while inverted. Be aware of what your hands, core, shoulders, lats, and neck are doing. Are you in alignment? Do you have a strong base? These are things to note before you start lowering yourself down. If you still feel unstable, then work on seated dumbbell presses to build that pressing strength, as well as core strength, without the added pressure of trying to not fall on your head.
A tabata workout follows the protocol of 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of ‘rest’. We’ll complete all swings before moving on to the sit ups. Score is total (combined) reps of both movements.