Strength 1
Hang squat clean
Heavy 3
Strength 2
Push jerk
Heavy 3
Super Set
Dumbbell RDL + bent over row
3 x 10
**We last did a standalone H3 on this movement back on 11/11/20 – how did you do? Yes it has been paired with other movements, most recently with a clean pull and jerk on July 8th. I bet you’d remember that day if I told you it was when we did the EMOM of 30 lunges. Ring a bell now?? So this is a chance to work on them on their own and work on cycling them for when they come up in a workout.
We’ll follow this up by going overhead with jerks, again, working on cycling reps of 3 in prep for when this movement comes up in a workout. This will be supersetted with 10 dumbbell Romanian deadlift (RDL) with a bent over row. As with our lifting complexes, this is done as a complex in the sense that you’ll do an RDL followed by a row and then standup.. and repeat. Really focus on a flat back and tight core to protect your back. As with the cleans, you’ll want to keep the DBs close to the body.
And as we end every week.. knock out some bicep curls *points to the beach*