Skill work
Toes to bar
EMOM x 12
1. Hip hurdles
2. Arch to pike or banded hollow lat pull downs
3. Toes to bar progressions – 30 sec active/hollow hold hang, or kipping ‘beats’ (small kip), then lat pull ups/kipping lever, finally kipping knee raises, etc.


10 min AMRAP
8 Toes to bar
8 DB thrusters (35/25)
12 DB Walking lunges/total (35/25)

**Use the skill work to prepare you for the workout, so careful about wrecking your hands. You can still get in good positional work with the first two movements and save the big stuff for the workout if your hands get tender quickly with this movement.

The DB weight is lighter than usual so you can move faster and get in more reps during the workout. If this is your usual workout weight when the Rx is 50/35, still scale down a touch and make the toes to bar scale a little more challenging. Can you get into the 5th round?