Skill work
Toes to bar
EMOM x 12
1. Hip hurdles
2. Arch to pike or banded hollow lat pull downs
3. Toes to bar progressions – 30 sec active/hollow hold hang, or kipping ‘beats’ (small kip), then lat pull ups/kipping lever, finally kipping knee raises, etc.

18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Hang power snatches (95/65)

**You’re going to spend a lot of time on the rig today, so save a little bit for the workout. Your core has seen a lot of work this week with the barbell roll outs and sit ups Monday and Tuesday, and now with the toes to bar. Shoulders are gonna see some work, too, as they are the primary movers for the toes to bar and will need to stabilize the bar overhead for the snatches. Use a weight and a T2B scale so you can cycle the reps in 2 or 3 sets for both movements.