In 3 min, do
400m run
Max clean and jerk (135/95)

Rest 2 min
Repeat a total of 5 times
Score is total number of clean and jerks

**This workout looks like it favors a fast runner. Get back early and you’ve got a lot of time to get in as many reps as possible. That might be true, but instead think about the efficient athlete. This is the person who, after coming in from the run, goes right to the barbell and cranks out 3-5 reps before taking a breath after the run. There’s no need to grab for your water or a towel just yet, you’ll have 2 minutes after each interval to do all of that. I figure there is a range of 40 sec – 1:20 min for people to get in the clean and jerks. My main goal with a 400m run is for people to finish in 2 minutes, leaving you 1 minute to get in reps – or . A great goal today, no matter how much time you have available, is to get 30 clean and jerks at (or close to) the weight you plan to use for the workout.

This is a good test for “Grace”, which we’ll be doing in a few weeks. Yes, it will be more of a challenge because of the running and elevated heart rate before grabbing the bar, but how well can you manage that stress, and be consistent with your running and reps each round?