Strength 1
Power snatch + Overhead squat + hang squat snatch
Heavy 2
Strength 2
Pull ups
3 x 5 – Strict work
3x max effort – weighted
Super Set
Side plank hip dips
3 x 12
**Taking an early break to knock out our double strength day. We’re focusing on snatching today, particularly getting into the bottom of the squat with the bar overhead. We’ve done a lot of power snatches or hang power snatches combined with overhead squats, but here’s a chance work work on both, as well as hang squat snatches. This can be a difficult movement for some to master, which is why we dedicate a decent amount of class time to the movement, so when it comes up in a workout, we have a better understanding of the movement and what weight to use.
Pull ups are a challenge for some people. And for others, we want to make them more challenging. If you’re still struggling to get that first pull up, here is time dedicated to just that, in addition to the time you’re putting into your weaknesses outside of gym time. After each set of pull ups – weighted or strict work (banded, negatives, strict ring rows, etc), get in a set of the plank hip dips. Core work isn’t limited to the front of the body.