Box step up
3 x 10/leg
10 Squat cleans (135/95)
10 Push jerks (135/95)
*Starting off with some single leg strength work. Previously we’ve done step back lunges, but today we’ll be stepping onto a box. Box jump height is usually set at 24/20″ for men/women. Today, the height of the box is up to you, and will take some practice to find what works best. The goal, as shown in the video, is to have a looooong trail leg, and to have the focus on the front/plant leg. If you find yourself rushing to stand on the box, you should lower the height of the box. This can be done by standing on plates to step onto the box. A good height to start at is is at or just below the crease of the knee. Warm up with unweighted step ups, add some weight, and if you’re still able to maintain a long trail leg, start your working sets.