10 Cleans (135/95)
20 Box jumps (24/20)
40 Double unders

**Starting the week off with a bit of a longer workout. A decent amount of hip extension happening today, especially with the box jumps. The legs might need a little waking up after the cleans, so heads up on those first few reps.

The barbell weight is moderately heavy for most. The thought for this weight, or whatever you need to scale to, is something you can do in sets of at least 3s. If you’re down to singles with a lot of rest between each rep, the weight is too heavy. These should have a touch-and-go flow to them. You might be slowing down on the last 2 rounds, but barbell cycling should be happening on rounds 1,2,3.

With regards to the box jump, treat these like ‘power box jumps’. The workout has cleans, also sometimes call ‘squat cleans’. If we’re not squatting, we’re usually staying above parallel, or ‘power cleans’. You’re already squatting 50 times with weight. If you keep landing below parallel – in a squat – you’re adding an extra (unnecessary) movement to the workout, and 100 reps! Your feet will land on the box just outside of hip width, as if you were to squat, but catch the jump high above parallel.