Skill Work
Handstand push ups
EMOM x 12
1. Hollow Hold or (hollow hold progressions)
2. Inversion hold – against the wall, feet on a box (add in shoulder taps), or free standing holds/progressions.
3. Handstand push ups – strict or kipping, HSPU off a box, downward dog position, or seated press.

10 DB sit ups
10 Renegade rows/arm
10 DB snatch/arm
Rx-1-50/35 DB

**Tuesday was all about the lower body, and Wednesday is all about the upper body. Starting things off with handstand push up skill work (you’ll see HSPU in a workout next week). Focus on proper technique and doing each rep well vs the number of reps you complete. For these EMOMs you normally work for 30-45 sec, but make sure that’s time well spent whether it’s doing a handstand hold, elevated walkouts, or pressing whether seated or inverted. This isn’t it about how hard you can work, but dialing in that technique while learning/improving on parts of the handstand push up.

The workout, as mentioned above, favors the upper body. We’ll be using a single dumbbell for all three movements. The renegade row is something we’ve done in the past, but with a pair of DBs. This will test not only single arm strength, but single arm and core strength as you’ll complete 10 reps on one side before performing them again on the opposite arm. The snatches can be alternated. Save your arms a bit and your your legs to elevate the weight overhead. I know, I know.. I said this workout favored the upper body, but the legs need some attention, too!