Sumo deadlift
Heavy 8
KB Swings (53/35)
**Reintroduced, or introduced for some, the sumo deadlift high pull in Monday’s workout, which leads us to the sumo deadlift for strength today. Slowing down the movement, and adding some more weight to the bar as we get in some decent volume. It’s always good to take a break from conventional deadlifts and see how much you can lift when you change up your stance and hand position a bit. Taller people might find this a little easier and forgiving on the low back. Those with long levers can have trouble finding the right set up, so the sumo stance might the way to go going forward.
Workout is a ladder – descending! fortunately! – for both movements. Swings should be unbroken, and make sure you’re going full range on those dips. There aren’t a lot of reps, so make the most of the movement.