10 Toes to bar
20 Lunges (95/65)
30 Air squats
40 Double unders

**Yesterday was pretty challenging for your grip, so let’s see how you’re feeling about the toes to bar today. The smaller sets should be manageable, oh, but let’s not overlook all that leg work today. Weighted lunges *and* air squats – what a great combo! And then ending each round with double unders.. oh man.. I mean.. you *should* be looking forward to tackling this workout!


When I look at this workout, I first see the reps, then the movements, and finally the number of rounds. I go back to the reps and movements, and start thinking about how I might need to scale each movement to complete them each round. The more difficult (for me) movements are toes to bar, lunges, an sometimes DUs. I might consider kipping knee raises. I have a few T2B, so I’ll try to get 2-5 each round, but knowing full well knocking out 10 isn’t gonna happen, but I’ll get what I can before moving on to challenging yet manageable scale. For the lunges, my left wrist has been bugging me, so I might look at going to a lower weight after warming it up and getting in a few reps. I’m pretty efficient with lunges, and I’d break them up into sets of 10 to give my rack position a little break. Air squats – do all 30 unbroken/at a slow-ish pace, or sets of 10s or 15s? And those dubs.. I like to do sets of 2-4-6.. etc unbroken when warming up to work on timing of the jump and to see how the rope is spinning. In addition to warming up with single unders to get the ankles and wrists moving, I watch the rope as it comes around to see if it has a U or V shape to it. If looks like a U, and there are no kinks in the rope, then I know I’m turning both wrists evenly. But if it looks like a V or has a sharp look to it and it’s not passing by my eyes evenly, then one side is dominating the spin, and I’m likely to trip up because I’m turning the rope across my body and not around it. Clean that up before the workout, and practice making adjustments while jumping to avoid breaking up the rhythm of the jump.

What do you see?
What does your plan look like?