Push press

6 min AMRAP
9 Push ups
9 Hang power cleans (135/95)

Rest 3 min. Repeat, and start your count over.
Record slowest round.

#You’re doing two 6-min AMRAPs. After the first 6-min is up and you’ve alternated the two movements as many times as possible, rest 3 min. Then do another 6-min of work, starting over with 0 rounds/reps. Of those two attempts, your score is the one that you scored the fewest rounds and reps.

**Working on some barbell cycling today for strength so we can better move weight during the workout. Ten reps can still get heavy quickly. And, yes, it’s 10 reps in a row after unracking the barbell.

The workout has some more pushing in the form of push ups, as well as some hang power cleans. This might get a little grippy for people, but 9 reps should be enough to go unbroken for a few rounds. Those push ups will start to catch up to you, too! Hang power cleans are a movement where, once you get the movement pattern of returning the bar to the hang from the rack position and immediately hinging to jump up the next rep, you can really move quickly and make up some time. Try to get into the 8th or 9th round on this one.