For time
Power Snatches
30 Double unders
30 Double unders

Rx – 135/95

**Hopefully this doesn’t look as intimidating as last Tuesday’s long workout. We’ll take some time to build up to a heavy snatch, and work on thrusters as well – same weight for both movements. Even double unders will get a little more attention. Need to get away from doing 2x single unders as a scale and set aside some dedicated time to work on this skill. Walking faster won’t making you a better runner. Gotta work on the things you struggle with.

Workout is completed as 10 snatches, 30 dubs; 8 snatches, 30 dubs… 2 snatches; 30 dubs.. and right into 2 thrusters, 30 dubs.. back up to 10 thrusters, 30 dubs.

Daily Read
Facts & Folklore About the Fall Equinox
-The Old Farmer’s Almanac