400m run
3 rounds of
3 Power snatch – 3 Overhead squats – 3 Hang squat snatch
Rx – 95/65

**Remember that barbell cycling I mentioned in yesterday’s post with the power clean and jerk? It shows up today in the form of a snatch complex, and in reps of 3 as we did with eh C&J.

First off, a quick explanation of how the workout is completed as it might look a little confusing. There are 4 rounds, and they each start wit a lap around the block, aka 400m. Once inside, you’ll complete 3 reps each of a power snatch, overhead squat, and hang snatch. You will complete that 3 movement complex – 9 total reps – two more times. And that will complete one round of the workout. The order of the movements and the weight is such that you should be able to complete all 9 reps unbroken. If you need to rest, do it after the last hang snatch. If you think you can do this at 115/75, have at it. But keep the above sentence in mind – I want you be able to cycle the weight quickly. This is different than when we did the snatches last Friday where some were doing them as singles.

Daily Read
This is it! The key to a good life!