Strength 1
Power clean + jerk
EMOM 10 – 3 reps
*rest minute 5

Strength 2
Dumbbell or.. Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
3×12 – AHAP

ss – Weighted/Strict Pull ups
5-5-5 or 3xME

**Phew!! We made it through the week! *virtual high-five* That doesn’t mean the work is over! We still have some good stuff planned for you to day. The volume and intensity is lower, but today is a great day to work on form and technique. We’re going a *tad* off script with our 1st strength movement, but in a good way. Normally for strength we have you think of doing the movements as singles – even if it’s written as double or triple – to get you to work on the power and strength of that ONE lift. Today for the first part, we’re having you work on cycling the movement, the clean and jerk, to get you more prepared to do this movement in a CrossFitty workout. Think of the benchmark girlWOD “Grace” – 30 clean and jerks for time. That’s exactly what this is, but broken down into 10-3 rep bits. We’ll take some time beforehand to build up to a working weight, and then we’ll do min 1,2,3,4.. rest for 1 full min, then finish up 6-10. Speed, power, and strength.

Slow it down after with some posterior chain and pull up work – weighted if you have strict, or strict work if you’re still working on those.

Then grab some dumbbells and bro it out with some curls, lat raises, and tricep extensions. Take advantage of the new DB racks and pretend you’re in a Globo Gym for some Flex Friday Fun.

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