Back squat
Heavy 5
(Heavy 8 if you didn’t do back squats on Wednesday)
12 min AMRAP
10 Burpees
8 Dball shoulder (4/4) – 100/60
6 Pistols (3/3)
**As noted above and in the newsletter that you received Thursday night, if you didn’t squat on Wednesday, you’ll be building to a heavy 5 today. If you squatted Wednesday and you are back for more today, you’ll build to a heavy 5. Cool? Cool!
The workout gets a little gymnasty with the burpees (blah) and some pistols (eesh) or ‘single leg squats’. You might’ve noticed that we like to throw in some unilateral work with the single DB overhead squats, split squats during our ‘hotel work’ strength days, and the single DB hang clean and jerk last Saturday. Pistols really expose some mobility weaknesses that a compound movement such as a back squat can hide. Ever wonder how much ankle mobility and stability is required to squat? Try doing it on one leg… YEAH! A LOT! If you struggle with pistols, scale the movement to sitting to a box or stepping down from a box, but pay attention to what your ankles are doing – are they wobbly? stable? causing your knee(s) to cave in? Talk with your coach(es) about it, and spend some quality time rolling out your calves, sitting in the bottom of a squat with weight, or doing banded joint mobilization. And try squatting without shoes, too!
Daily Listen
Clair De Lune – Claude Debussy
*Chill out